Do pets like music?
Do our pets like music?What type of music do our pets lie?Most of us put music on the radio for our pets when we go out. Divert sounds our good for dogs with noise phobia,or puppy with separation anxiety.Cats,in fact,do enjoy music,but not human music.It has a species-specific music.
Are dogs affected with music?
Dogs pick up moods naturally,so its only natural that the same effect music has on us has on dogs too!Like if we listened to rock'n roll it would pump us up!But if we listened to soothing jazz,it would calm us,and it would be the same for dogs.Did you know that dogs prefer reggae music and soft rock then other music genres?
What kind of music do cats like?
Cats ignore most human music. Scientist and musicians have worked together to create music intended entirely for feline ears!
So in conclusion,yes our pets enjoy music.But not necessarily our music,there are many musics that are uniquely for their species!