the rabbit
The rabbit is known for its kisses and cuddles and for its magical background.In today's mini doc,we will be looking a bit more farther then the cute face!
Rabbits are small mammals that are found in some parts of the world.They have a lifespan of 3 years(in wild and domestic).A female rabbit is called a doe and a male is called a buck.Some rabbits are the size of a cat,and some have been seen to grow to be as small as a small child!Small rabbits can be little as 8 inches.Rabbits are exceptionally known for their uncontrollable reproductive tradition,they breed three to four times a year.Did you know that a rabbits baby name is called a kitten,rabbit/bunny is just a name for a grown kitten.Each gestation produces three to eight kittens.Rabbits are herbivore,witch means they feed on plants.Their diet contains grass,clover,Brussels sprouts and others.And some have been seen eating fruit,roots,seeds and tree bark!
Rabbits are seen all around the world,they originally come from Africa and Europe,but like we said they are found all around the world,like in south and north america,the west indies,Madagascar,new Zealand and Australia.Domesticated rabbits need a well protected environment to live in that provides hide outs and their principal needs,comment if you want us to make a mini doc more based on the keeping of these animals.Wild rabbits can be found in forests,the woods and other damp and wild places.
In conclusion,rabbits are very interesting animals with a fascinating story,they have much more to learn about,and maybe in the near future we will post a better and more detailed post!