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the lions of africa

In today's mini doc we will be discussing some of the African lions history,facts!And at the end of this magnificent presentation,you can comment if you enjoyed or not?

Lions are large felines who are commonly known as'the king of the jungle'.These big cats once wandered Africa,Asia and Europe.However now they are only found in zoos,circuses and some sanctuary's and rarely in the wild.African lions live in central and southern Africa.The african lion is 4.5 to 6.5 feet long to its head to its rump,and they typically weigh 265 to 420 lbs.Male lions are usually larger then females,to know the gender of a lion:the males has a mane all over his head,but the female doesn't!Did you know the manes function is to make the male look more breathtaking to the females,some people say that the manes function is to protect is head and neck during a fight.African lions live in Angola,Tanzania,Mozambique,

Botswana,South Sudan and either parts sub-Saharan Africa.Asiatic lions are found only in the Gir Forest National Park in India.African lions feed on large animals that they find on grassland,including antelop,buffalo,giraffe,wild hogs,mice,birds,tortoises,lizards,

hippos,rhinos,young elephants and chital.

Lions are very social,they live in groups called prides,African lion tribes consists of up to three males and many females,they have tribes that have about 40 members(as seen on 5 different documentary's.Did you know that the males have their own pride and the females have their own pries,thy only come together during mating season!The females have a gestasion period of four months,at birth the cubs are only 3 lbs,and they are 100% dependent on their mom!

-Did you know the lions scientific name is panthera leo?

-They have the loudest roar

-They are the second largest big cat

- A female lion needs 5kg of meat a day. A male needs 7kg or more a day.

-Lions go on the hunt for food mostly from dusk till dawn. Female lions do 85-90% of the prides hunting, whilst the male lions patrol the territory and protect the pride.

-In the wild,lions live 12 years and up to 16 years.And in captivity they where seen living up to 25 years!

-Male lions defend the pride’s territory while females do most of the hunting.Regardless of this, the males eat first.

-A lion’s heels don’t touch the ground when it walks.

-A lion can leap as far as 36 feet.[3]

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