mountain goat
in today's mini doc we will be exploring their ways of living and some cool facts!
The mountain goat is herbivore.It eats grass,herbs,sedge,shrubs,ferns and moss.There are estimated to be about 100,000 in north America.They range on on the rocky mountains and coastal ranges of northwestern North america,including southwestern Alaska.Mountain goats are more devoted both during day and night!They usually live in herds,the females (called nannies,spend most of the year in herds with their kids,nannies can be protective of their territory and food,while the males either live alone or in herds of 2-3 males.The mating season for mountain goats are in November and December.The nannies typically have a litter size of one kid,and rarely twins.
Did you know?
-mountain goats where introduced into the Olympics Peninsula in the 1920's
-The adults have long hair under their throat,forming a beard